Thursday, December 15, 2016


I Love to Read!!!  There's no Question about that.  I recently attended the Second Annual Mississippi Book Festival and had a Great time.  One could probably assume that my love of reading is why I received a Masters of Library and Information Science and have worked in a library.  Indeed, that was a small reason combined with my love of research, history and genealogy.  Reading itself is an important tool in society.  The more one reads, the better they are at functioning at their job and the world itself.  I can admit that as a child whom suffered from bits of ADHD that I once hated reading.  I could not commit myself to it at all.  In fact, it wasn't until late in high school that I finally developed a love of reading. 
Growing up in home where pretty much the only topic discussed was politics, I engrossed myself in television and movies a means of escape.  Of course, I have developed a love of political history but at the time I did not.  Losing myself in the world of fictional characters on sitcoms and movies, I found that the live portrayal of these individuals was much more appealing than reading about them.  Being a fan of horror movies, I watched movies based on Stephen King novels.  Eventually, curiosity got the best of me and I forced myself to read one of his books.  I became fascinated and found out more about the characters and myself for that matter.  The rest was history!!!  After Stephen King Novels, I began reading and reading anything and everything.  I found that if I read something, even if it was something that I was particularly interesting in, I could find a deeper meaning to the words written.  I wont deny that I still watch movies and television just as much as I read.  However, I found out that is important read the words behind a story rather than just the physical images and spoken words. The movevements and actions you see on television and in cinema can be placed into proper perspective.  Whether it is a news story or a novel inspired movie or show, if you read the articles or books associated  you will indeed have a better understanding and respect for what you are perusing.  In addition, you may also find out something about yourself.  I tell everyone I wrote a paper my first year in college on someone who inspired me and I chose Stephen King and even had it chosen to be entered in a creative writing contest.  I ended my paper with, "Ironically, the man who has placed some of the most fears into mankind helped me overcome mine." When I write an account of my own life in my Blog, OVERCOMING THE ODDS, I will elaborate on this story going from a struggling student with ADHD to a voracious reader
  Get out and Read People.  You won't regret it!!!  One day, I plan to write a book.  I might write a book on my father's political career or aspects of it.  I may write a book pertaining to aspects of pop culture in a format that has never been used before.  Either way, I would have never had the ambition to write if I never would have found a love of Reading!!!!
Will Barber

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