Thursday, December 15, 2016

Night and Day

Night and Day.  The 24 hour cycle that is a full calendar date consists of two stages, daytime and nighttime.  The two stages differ greatly from one another.  One consists of darkness, while the other consists of light.  Traditionally, the daytime is the period in which human beings and most living things are active.  Nighttime, on the other hand, is widely regarded as a period of rest.  Despite the obvious differences between the two, I feel that living beings share similar feelings and emotions in relation to both phases of a full day.  The positive emotions related to daytime consist of the thankfulness and gratitude that are associated with just being alive and breathing fresh air.  For some people, just being able to say to oneself "I am alive and above ground" is enough positive affirmation.  Of course, not everyone works during the daytime so perhaps those that work at night experience the same feelings, only within the absence of daylight.  The main majority of people whom work and/or are active during the day or night may not exhibit the most positive thoughts.  Strained work and family situations oftentimes limit the enthusiasm one has in being able to get up and start the day.  In many people's lives, a full day can consist of a roller coaster of emotions and feelings including: happiness, sadness, humor, anger, love, self-motivation, and complacency.  One feeling that can be greatly compared and contrasted in relation to a full day is that of 'Fear'.  Many people say human beings, and living beings for that matter all live in fear.  We all fear something inside us, whether its a tangible being or ancient myth.  Different aspects of fear are consistent with both night and day.  During the period of the day in which one is most active, there is always the fear of the unknown.  We fear what may happen to our careers, families or even the safety of our very existence.  When we are children, the fear of the unknown during the hours of daylight is typically about what may or may not happen at school and our relationship with our peers.  At nighttime, children become scared of the unknown.  Since night consists of the absence of light, it is what we cannot see that makes us scared.  As children, we hear the stories of the boogie man or the monster under our beds and are generally told that these beings only come out at night.  If you add the darkness of the night, this makes for a scary scenario as the child can't fully see these creatures at what they perceive to be their most active time.  As we enter adolescence and then adulthood, we realize that darkness of the night contains real beings that are even scarier.  Traditionally, criminals prefer to operate at a time of day when they are not seen.   When one walks by themselves at night in a a dark alley, the fear of what is not seen and the fear of the unknown certainly registers within the human conscience.  At the time of day in which one is most active, the fear of everyday tasks and human tasks is always prevalent.  While the time of day in which one rests appears to be the safest, the fear of actually drifting off to sleep is related to the fear of the unknown.  When one is asleep they are in a semiconscious state and are, therefore, unaware of their surroundings.  When I say we, I am referring to myself in the race of human beings.  Let us not forget our animal brothers.  One species of animals that are very unique are birds.  They have the ability to fly and literally watch over us.  Songbirds are active during the daytime and vocalize themselves consistently.  An owl is a nocturnal type of bird that lets out its legendary "Whoo".  Both birds are active during different phases of the day.  Certainly, like us, their is some type of fear that exists within them.  However, as a creature that views the lives of human beings, I wonder what birds think of the different emotions we exhibit on a daily basis.  Perhaps if we had the ability to look at ourselves from a tree the way an owl or songbird can, maybe we would realize what is wrong with society.  Think about it?  Nevertheless, the cycle continues between the variations of Night and Day!!!!

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