Thursday, December 15, 2016

Growing Up

Maybe I'm taking this too Personally but I am offended by two of the things The Article Below Mentions Men Should Stop Doing in their 30's!! Those are: WATCHING PRO WRESTLING AND BEING A METAL HEAD. Dont get me wrong. I'm not a Crazy Super obsessed fan of either and dont live my whole life by it but its still a part of me and I hate to say this BOTH Always Will. While my aspirations for becoming a Pro Wrestler or Famous Rock Star didnt quite pan out, I can still enjoy my life in things that are not considered appropriate to some for a grown man. I didnt grow my hair long until recently and I was 30 years old and had it that way for a year. Some people thought I was too old to have long hair but I didn't care. Of course, I have my limits, Im not into Tatoos or Ear Piercings and for someone as into the style of music Im in I dont party like I did in College or my 20s. Even though I still like watching old school tapes, Im not that fond of the Wrestling product today and hope one day it will change. Do Know that I've accepted the responsibilities of an adult in paying bills, taking care of myself and my house. The adult world has its positives and negatives. However, I think to have a balanced life its good to combine aspects of childhood, adolescence and young adulthood into your life but not in a destructive way. When you become too entrenched into the role you play as an adult, I feel you your life becomes mundane and sad. I am an adult but I'm a fun Adult. If I ever choose to have children, I want to teach them responsibility but also teach them how to enjoy life. You only Live Once in this World. Have Fun but Harness the Fun with Responsibility. I'm just like one of my many Alter Egos Keith Richards, I keep Rolling like a Rolling Stone!!

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